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Case study

Telling stories

RuralPod Media

  • Branding
  • Website

RuralPod Media is led by Ben Eagle to produce podcasts for rural businesses and has a mission to make rural stories mainstream. With a background in journalism and farming, Ben helps to tell stories from individuals and organizations based in the countryside.

RuralPod Media - main logo

The challenge

We needed to focus the brand design for the new business on storytelling for rural businesses rather than the technical aspects of podcast production. We also needed to deliver a website with a diverse range of content from blog posts to podcasts.

The approach

We aimed to combine three unique elements into one distinctive mark: rural, storytelling and podcasting. We developed a mark that did just that, with a simplicity and symmetry that lends itself to evolving further for other graphic assets.

RuralPod Media - logo strategy
RuralPod Media - logo colours
RuralPod Media - icons

The website

The RuralPod Media website needed to feature a range of content including two podcast feeds, and sections for a blog, events and services. We made full use of the brand colour palette to give each section a colour theme and at the same time retain a consistent look across the site.

RuralPod Media - website on mobiles
RuralPod Media - website on desktop, tablet and mobile

Uproar Creative set out with the brief of creating a brand design, logo and website for my new rural podcast agency and I am thrilled with the end result.

Ben Eagle, RuralPod Media

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